About Kharidobecho

Books are a uniquely portable magic. – Stephen King .

KharidoBecho is genie out of the bottle ready to serve you whenever you wish for a book. Contrary to popular belief, we deeply care for pre-used books make them feel special, treat them as new. KharidoBecho is not just another book selling joint competing in cut throat world of capitalism.

Our Vision

KharidoBecho team is working to build a future where you can buy, sell or donate books on single platform and not just any another buying or selling. We are striving hard to revolutionize the whole book market. Buy – at lowest price Sell – at considerable price Donate – Generously Apart from all the business, we are also committed to one of the most important social responsibility. KharidoBecho is donating 20% of the total profit towards the education of underprivileged children. We have a dream for India where every child has a book in their hand.