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ABC of Parenting: Every parent's guide for their adolescent child

ABC of Parenting: Every parent's guide for their adolescent child

Hema Vinod

Regular price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 449.00 Sale price Rs. 299.00
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New Edition

The author’s words on ‘ABC of Parenting’
Why a second book on Parenting? ”
I have been asked. My first book Parenteening Made Simple is a one-stop resource for parents and that should be all, I had thought. This was in 2021.
In 2022, I felt the need to do something for girls. I had seen the challenges they faced during my decades of work in Education.
This was how ‘Girl Empower Yourself’ my book for adolescent girls and young women came into being. This is an insightful guide for girls to equip themselves in the journey to adulthood.
Presenting ABC of Parenting: After the release of my second book, I felt the need to write about the mental and emotional health of adolescents. As we know, parents focus primarily on the physical health of their children and mental / emotional health is often not a priority.
I wished to write a book which could support parents to promote the mental / emotional health of their children and be equipped with the right tools for their parenting journey. Apart from the strong focus on the mental and emotional health of children, the book puts emphasis on the pillars of parenting.
This includes every aspect that the parent needs to internalise and use in everyday parenting. These include valuable topics such as communication, leadership, values and fostering independence among others.
The book has interviews with ten exemplary parents who are experts in their fields. Their insights will be valuable to readers as they have shared the wisdom they have gained over the years.
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ABC of Parenting: Every parent's guide for their adolescent child
ABC of Parenting: Every parent's guide for their adolescent child978-8119170562
ABC of Parenting: Every parent's guide for their adolescent child978-8119170562
Regular price
Rs. 449.00
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Rs. 299.00/ea
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Regular price
Rs. 449.00
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Rs. 299.00/ea
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